Saturday, July 30, 2005

ReformCast 002
click here to download this episode
just a reminder: clicking on the link above merely downloads an mp3 of the show.
If you want the show to automatically download to your computer, be sure to subscribe using the link to the right.

1. Comment Round-up
what? myopic? me? nah...
mark's good point.

2. CD review: "Every Kind of Light" -The Posies
check out the posies' site here
check out the album on iTunes by clicking here
i compared the posies to REM. you decide:
posies' "sweethearts of rodeo drive"
REM's "man on the moon"

3. The Federal Auburn Shephard Visions of the Wright Guys
the Louisiana Presbytery excuses Wilkins
some good guys respond. read it here
is this call much different than the call issued by the RPCUS?
is the FV theology helpful?

grace and peace,

Monday, July 25, 2005

ReformCast episode 001
click here to download this episode

What is ReformCast?
-what is reformed?
-reformed disctinctives.
Why ReformCast?
-Christians should seek dominion and transform culture
Steve Wilkins Acquittal.
-John Robbins Reports.
-People's exhibit z.
-the Counsel of Chalcedon issue including the cart on page 35.
I'd like to teach the world to....
-the dumbing down of stupid.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Ready, Set....

ok, i figured out the problem. ok that was a lie. i didn't figure squat out. i just went upstairs and tried again and it worked....mysteriously. hmmmm. i won't question it. it worked.

so, i recorded the theme music. i have a little bit of mixing to do on that.

tonight, i plan on recording the first episode. so, we should be up and running by tomorrow, Lord willing.

grace and peace,

Friday, July 22, 2005

Podcast Delay

Ok, things aren't good. I got all fired up to begin recording the bumper music and get going on the first episode of the ReformCast and....uh......

My computer is acting really funny. Not funny-haha mind you. Funny-strange. Actually, not even funny-strange. More like funny-Kyle is getting ready to chuck it out the upstairs window. The sound card is working, both receiving and sending sound. But, while it is registering that my mixer is plugged in, it is not sending any sounds from it.....blahbityblahblahblah....I'm frustrated.

So, it looks like there'll be a longer wait for the ReformCast. Crud, by the time I get this thing off the ground, podcasting will be passe.

I'll post when I:

A. have fixed the problem

B. know what exactly is wrong

C. have tested the aerodynamics of my laptop

until then,
grace and peace

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

this is my first post. i wonder how many first posts start this way. lame really.

this will be the blog to host ReformCast. im hoping to be the first and best podcast from a distinctly reform perspective. along with family friends and even, if the Lord leads, special guests, we'll be examining culture, offering readings, hosting debates, and, in general, holding every thought captive to the Word.

the blog will be a place for further reflection, shownotes and links mentioned on the podcast, as well as a place for folks to leave feedback.

to make my first post a little more meaty than just an announcment, i'll offer some random musings.

just paid a small fortune (relatively speaking of course) fixing the plumbing here at el casa de dixon. seems we always buy older homes from do it yerselfers who really didn't have a clue how to do anything themselves. but, the toilets flush and the kitchen is no longer filled with sewer gas. (yes it was that bad)

i hear (through john robbins) that steve wilkins was just cleared of heresy charges in his presbytery. interesting indeed. i will have some examples as to why i think this particular presbytery made a'll just have to wait for the first podcast.

and, all this just as we're preparing to re-join the pca. that's right. we're planning on joing Christ the King in norman oklahoma.

well, thats all for now. posts should be more interesting and closely tied to the ReformCast podcasts.

grace and peace,