Just a Quick Update
greetings, all! i'm still alive and still in oklahoma city. still working at the bank and still looking for something else.
the bookstore idea has not materialized. homeschoolers, while very interested in our idea, would not have spent enough money in the store to support the store and the family. i guess that's what business plans are for. in the process of gathering data for the business plan, we figured out we couldn't make a go of it.
however, i do have something looming. i have started my own business! its called Pro Mobil. I am now a mobile dj, working parties and receptions and what not. if you're throwing a party in the okc metro and want great music with tasteful and unobtrusive banter, give me a call. the website is www.promobilmusic.com. my business email is kyle "at" promobilmusic.com. for now, the website is just kind of a placeholder. i plan on putting up a proper website soon.
the dj gig is a great fit for me as it's real working hours are limited to a couple hours a day spent drumming up parties and friday and saturday nights actually working the parties. so, that frees up my time to do....other things...such as....the reformcast. maybe. we're still trying to decide exactly what to do church membership-wise. but i think there will be a decision soon. and among the many positives of the possible decision is: the place at which we are looking would be very interested in supporting and overseeing the reformcast.
one thing that has lit a fire under me concerning the reformcast is the new garageband features that apple just announced. the reformcast, if it is ressurrected, should be better with these features.
thats all for now.
i look forward to gearing back up, Lord willing.
grace and peace,
greetings, all! i'm still alive and still in oklahoma city. still working at the bank and still looking for something else.
the bookstore idea has not materialized. homeschoolers, while very interested in our idea, would not have spent enough money in the store to support the store and the family. i guess that's what business plans are for. in the process of gathering data for the business plan, we figured out we couldn't make a go of it.
however, i do have something looming. i have started my own business! its called Pro Mobil. I am now a mobile dj, working parties and receptions and what not. if you're throwing a party in the okc metro and want great music with tasteful and unobtrusive banter, give me a call. the website is www.promobilmusic.com. my business email is kyle "at" promobilmusic.com. for now, the website is just kind of a placeholder. i plan on putting up a proper website soon.
the dj gig is a great fit for me as it's real working hours are limited to a couple hours a day spent drumming up parties and friday and saturday nights actually working the parties. so, that frees up my time to do....other things...such as....the reformcast. maybe. we're still trying to decide exactly what to do church membership-wise. but i think there will be a decision soon. and among the many positives of the possible decision is: the place at which we are looking would be very interested in supporting and overseeing the reformcast.
one thing that has lit a fire under me concerning the reformcast is the new garageband features that apple just announced. the reformcast, if it is ressurrected, should be better with these features.
thats all for now.
i look forward to gearing back up, Lord willing.
grace and peace,
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I pray you will restart the reformcast for I think you have the right attitude for it by being humble and depending on God.
The reformcast can be a breath of fresh air on itunes considering the other choices that are there. Seek advice and see if others will help in this adventure. Above all else seek God by praying in the matter.
God bless you and all the work God has ordained for you to do.
Mike, Redding, CA
yo Kyle- we lost your e-mail
zap jess and I
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Best wishes on finding a new church home.
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