ReformCast 000
the plug is pulled
Greetings again all,
After much thought and prayer, I have decided to stop production of the ReformCast. While I have enjoyed the last couple of months of production, I have come to some realizations that preclude me from continuing.
First and definitely foremost, not all are apt to teach and, since I am among those who are not, it would be wrong of me to use the podcast medium to do so. Let me explain. In I Timothy 3:2, God tells us that “an overseer must be…able to teach.” The fact that this is a qualification for eldership means that not all possess it. The question remains, though, do I have this ability or not? Maybe so. But more to the point, even if I do, should I be teaching God’s Word? Should I be instructing others in theology? Am I an elder? (no) Should I be an elder?
After removing myself from the care of my presbytery, having determined that I am not called to be an elder, there was no opposition from the presbytery, my session or my family. This, to me is a clear indicator that I am not called (at least at this time) to be an elder. And since, I believe that it is elders/ trained men who are charged with instructing the church, I think it is time I pull the plug.
You see, the internet has become a place where those who, for whatever reason, do not hold to an office in the church yet still want to promulgate their theories and understandings amongst the saints. I think this is shameful. God has ordained certain and clear methods for instructing the Church, and for me to fail at achieving the requirements to do that and use a side-door method of instruction is foolish at best, subversive at worst.
The answer to, “am I an elder?” is obviously no. Therefore (and this should be equally obvious) while I am not an elder I shouldn’t act like one.
It has been well over a year since I removed myself from being under care of presbytery. It is high time I just shut up and listen. The church needs more people who are willing to shut up and follow. We have far too many people who want to take the reigns. I’m sick of myself for being one of the latter.
So what does that mean for me? It means that im not sure what to do with my life, career-wise. I know I’m not supposed to be working in a bank. But what it is that I am supposed to be doing I’m not sure. In the coming weeks, I might determine to pursue the ministry properly (again). Trouble with that is, the seminaries with which I am familiar either won’t have me or I won’t have them. But, we’ll see. I plan on exploring some more creative ventures like doing more recording, maybe some art projects with Jolly. I plan on being more involved in our homeschool. And I plan on being more content with where God has placed me.
This began as a letter of notification for ReformCast. It kinda turned into a “what am I doing with my life” letter. If anyone has any suggestions, I’m willing to hear your counsel. And if anyone wants to hire me to work from my home, I’d be way into that.
So, for the last time….
Thanks for listening. Grace and Peace.
Finally shutting up,
For the peace and purity of the Kingdom,
the plug is pulled
Greetings again all,
After much thought and prayer, I have decided to stop production of the ReformCast. While I have enjoyed the last couple of months of production, I have come to some realizations that preclude me from continuing.
First and definitely foremost, not all are apt to teach and, since I am among those who are not, it would be wrong of me to use the podcast medium to do so. Let me explain. In I Timothy 3:2, God tells us that “an overseer must be…able to teach.” The fact that this is a qualification for eldership means that not all possess it. The question remains, though, do I have this ability or not? Maybe so. But more to the point, even if I do, should I be teaching God’s Word? Should I be instructing others in theology? Am I an elder? (no) Should I be an elder?
After removing myself from the care of my presbytery, having determined that I am not called to be an elder, there was no opposition from the presbytery, my session or my family. This, to me is a clear indicator that I am not called (at least at this time) to be an elder. And since, I believe that it is elders/ trained men who are charged with instructing the church, I think it is time I pull the plug.
You see, the internet has become a place where those who, for whatever reason, do not hold to an office in the church yet still want to promulgate their theories and understandings amongst the saints. I think this is shameful. God has ordained certain and clear methods for instructing the Church, and for me to fail at achieving the requirements to do that and use a side-door method of instruction is foolish at best, subversive at worst.
The answer to, “am I an elder?” is obviously no. Therefore (and this should be equally obvious) while I am not an elder I shouldn’t act like one.
It has been well over a year since I removed myself from being under care of presbytery. It is high time I just shut up and listen. The church needs more people who are willing to shut up and follow. We have far too many people who want to take the reigns. I’m sick of myself for being one of the latter.
So what does that mean for me? It means that im not sure what to do with my life, career-wise. I know I’m not supposed to be working in a bank. But what it is that I am supposed to be doing I’m not sure. In the coming weeks, I might determine to pursue the ministry properly (again). Trouble with that is, the seminaries with which I am familiar either won’t have me or I won’t have them. But, we’ll see. I plan on exploring some more creative ventures like doing more recording, maybe some art projects with Jolly. I plan on being more involved in our homeschool. And I plan on being more content with where God has placed me.
This began as a letter of notification for ReformCast. It kinda turned into a “what am I doing with my life” letter. If anyone has any suggestions, I’m willing to hear your counsel. And if anyone wants to hire me to work from my home, I’d be way into that.
So, for the last time….
Thanks for listening. Grace and Peace.
Finally shutting up,
For the peace and purity of the Kingdom,
I will miss your reformcast. Your podcast were a great way for me to find out what was going on in my PCA denomination and to hear about unfamiliar music. Thank you for your hard work and may God bless and continue to help you understand His direction for you. What about a cast that is more church news and less commentary.... a reformNewscast?
Dave Renken
I've never listened to your podcast. I was hunting for Reformed podcasts and I came across it.
I just wanted to make a brief comment on your thoughts for ending ReformCast. You said that you are not an elder. One of the jobs of an elder is to teach, but not all teachers are elders. You needn't be an elder to teach if you are gifted for that. I would evaluate such a gift and calling in the context of the local church. Does your church recognize your gifts as a teacher? Are others edified by your teaching? Does your church call you to teach (not necessarily from the pulpit) on occasion? Just a thought.
I admire your willingness to submit to God's word though. If you feel that you are not called and qualified, I think it is wise and brave of you to obey and stop. I just wanted to make sure you do for the right reasons!
Soli Deo Gloria.
You said "Trouble with that is, the seminaries with which I am familiar either won’t have me or I won’t have them."
Which ones have you been in contact with, and why will you not have them or they not have you? I ask since I myself was recentlyforced from a seminary that was becoming increasingly charismatic, My reformed understanding stood starkly in contrast with this abberation. Public forrums are not the place to discuss such things, so feel free to contact me via email if you so desire:
you can use this medium as an open forum, not as a pulpit. we need programs like this like iron sharpens iron -- at the very least it's challenging to learn new
I would like to echo the above comments. I have found the program to be a great source of PCA news and commentary. For example, I found out about the Oklahoma reformed conference from you, which I look forward to going to.
thank you for your posts of encouragement. it's nice to know that my wife and my parents were'nt the only ones listening.
i agree that you don't have to be an elder to be a teacher. but my situation is complicated by two main things. 1. i had previously been persuing the ministry proper and pulled out of seminary. this makes me a little more skiddish than perhaps others who are starting from "scratch." 2. (and more important i think) i currently am without a church home. we are looking for the right place but have yet to find it. oklahoma city is a strange place for reformation theology. there really isn't one place (that we've found) that has it all...reformed in their soteriology/chrstiology/ecclesiology/eschatology etc. there are places that have maybe one or two of the above but none with them all. i know there is no "perfect" itteration of the visible church this side of glory. but i'm hoping to get as close as we can. so, therefore, i am unable to judge my call on the local church as you wisely suggest. perhaps if we can plug in somewhere and the session wants to have such a ministry, we'd start the reformcast up again...we'll see.
mr renken,
thank you for listening. as i am not officially in the pca, i don't have a distinct interest (or talent) in being a news reporter. music and culture are more my things. perhaps we'll see a rekindling of the reformcast?
mr brumbelow,
sorry to hear of your battle against the charismatic errors. i have fought them in a youth group i lead. these errors are difficult to challenge since they are so tied to the emotions of those confused by them. i will contact you regaurding my seminary troubles in specific but, for here and now i can say this: im seen as a "T.R. wacko" by many and a "loosey goosey" by many others. that's not to say that i wouldn't be accepted at most seminaries but my life there would be very difficult. plus, i really don't want to move from the great state of oklahoma!
there's a fine line between "pulpit" and "open forum" on the web. basically, an opinion that gets shared in a podcast forum like the reformcast amounts to instruction..."i think like this and (implicitly) you should too." until i have a body of elders over me and supporting such a ministry, i want to be careful to not manufacture a virtual pulpit for myself.
mr anonymous,
once again, you really get do you do it? you're everywhere, writing poems, leaving editorial
i'll be really excited to put a face to your name when we meet at the okc conference on reformed theology. i'll be working the book table!
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im seen as a "T.R. wacko" by many and a "loosey goosey" by many others
Brother, ain't we all! Sounds like you're doing something right there.
I'm Reformed and baptistic so I get it quite often. :-/ I'm in my last year of seminary at which is a) not exclusivly Reformed, b) no where near you, and c) expensive. I'm in no danger of getting kicked out unless I start spouting Open Theism. And that ain't going to happen.
Sorry to hear of your church plight. I'm in a church that isn't Reformed and am not really comfortable. Great people, goofy worship. But its all I got. I feed you pain.
Are you the Kyle Dixon who lived on Catacombs? I was searching for podcast content and came across your stuff.
yeah scott, its me!
great to hear from you.
drop me a line and tell me how yer doin!
kyle "at"
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